I’m interested in all things fire-related, and in my Googling around, I found something cool…Fire Arts. According to Wikipedia, the term Fire Arts includes any or all talents of fire performers. According to ME, it’s the coolest use of paraffin oil I've ever seen.
Ultra-pure paraffin oil is the fuel of choice for professional fire breathers and fire eaters (who are the ONLY ones who should put this stuff in their mouths). Fire breathing is where the performer creates a fireball by exhaling a fine mist of fuel over an open flame. Not surprisingly, it’s considered the most dangerous of the fire arts, especially on a windy day. Fire-eaters practice the slightly safer art of placing flaming objects into their mouths. As I have access to lots of paraffin oil, I thought it would be a great (or exceptionally bad) idea to try it myself, but the how-to part of fire eating is kept a tight secret by those who practice it. Sigh.
Fire poi flower - amazing! Source: westcoastjuggling.com
But wait, what’s this? Fire dancing? Oh, yes - paraffin oil (and sometimes tiki torch fuel) is also used for fire dancing. This awesome use of fire originated in Polynesia hundreds of years ago. Fire dancers swing a variety of sticks, swords, hoops, and poi (a Maori word meaning “ball on a string”) while engaging in elaborate dances. I’m sure I could be a world-class fire dancer, were it not for my woeful lack of coordination and tendency to be accident-prone. Sigh. Again.
While my career as a fire performer may be at a standstill, it’s nice to know that paraffin lamp oil is the preferred fuel for those who can practice this amazing art. Fire performers like it because it burns very cleanly, and for a long time. The purity of the oil they use is very important, so Firefly Pure Paraffin Oil is the ideal fuel for fire poi, fire eaters, breathers, dancers, and twirlers everywhere.