In this video, I will show you how to lovingly care for your Firefly oil candles, lamps, and wicks.
Oil candles are not only economical but are versatile, easy to use, and maintain. Let’s take a look.
All Firefly Oil Candles are shipped with a small, plastic funnel. You can purchase other filling accessories online like bottles and spouts.
The Cotton Wick
The wick is your fuel line. It feeds the fuel to the tip where the fuel evaporates. The fumes are what you are burning. Any corruption of the wick interrupts that flow. Corruption could be fuel contaminated with water, a scorched, dry, or twisted wick. All affect the efficiency of the wick.
You will need to trim your wick occasionally. When? If you notice the performance of the wick has changed; or if you run your oil candle dry and allow the wick to dry out. Therefore, you will need to trim your wick.
Twist and push the wick up through the collar until you see the end of the burned area. Trim the scorched part. Continue to pull through and then… this is very important … untwist the wick; otherwise, your fuel line will not perform optimally.
We suggest you expose the wick about 1/8” above the collar or less because this will give you a good flame and provide excellent burn mileage.
If you are using a candle with an “aroma deck” like the Zen Petite Prayer Candle or the Athena, here’s a tip if you start to get a clear, sticky buildup of essential oil. Simply remove the wick, put a drop of fuel on the deck, and wipe clean with a paper towel.
Questions about wick threading? I’ve already done a video showing how you can easily re-thread a wick that has pulled out of the collar. Here’s the video.
Finally, if you follow the above oil candle and oil lamp care and maintenance tips, you will enjoy your Firefly oil candles and lamps forever. Thanks for watching.