Winner of the Transcend Oil Candle Giveaway

Greetings to everyone who entered our Transcend Oil Candle Giveaway. I want to thank you for your time and interest.

This is our first giveaway and, so far, it’s been a very good experience. Surprisingly, over 76% of you took the time to write a comment. I wasn’t expecting that.

In general, you thought the Transcend Oil Candle was beautiful, cool, unique, modern, romantic, and unusual.

Here are some specific comments you made…

• Marie said “The candles are beautiful and add a touch of romance to the room.”

• Kris said “They are breathtakingly beautiful. I would love to have one. Gorgeous.

• Reverend Andrew wrote “I just ordered an oil candle for use in my church sanctuary. Excited to use it in our sacred space!”

• Lisa said “They are beautiful and I appreciate all the research you did into fuels to develop a nontoxic and safer fuel. “

• Elana wrote “I think they are the most beautiful candles I have ever seen... "floating fire"

• Ann said “I’m so glad I ran across your website. I know where to go now for unique gifts.

Now here’s one of the most unusual quotes… Steve said, “Totally amazing...but will it scare my alligator....?”

Well, Steve, only if your alligator sees himself in the reflection and doesn’t like what he sees. Perhaps he’ll think it’s a lady gator! Who knows?

Something that may interest you… we sent a transcend oil candle to our friends at DoItYourself for a review. They loved it! However, the candle is featured upside down. It still looked fabulous! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

We also learned that many of you were unaware these types of candles exist. So, we are thinking about a social awareness contest. We’ll keep you posted on that. If you have any ideas, please drop us an email or give us a call.

OK, let’s select the winner of the Transcend Oil Candle….

The winner is…. Jeremy….

In addition to the Transcend oil candle, we’ll include a funnel as well as 16 oz. of fuel. We hope you love this candle as much as we do.

We will contact you via email and you will have 48 hours to respond. If you do not respond, we will select another winner. (Jeremy has already responded!)

We will be doing another Giveaway soon. Stay tuned.