Crate & Barrel® Candle Holders & Firefly Oil Candles®

I love Crate & Barrel® Candle Holders. Here is my latest purchase. Like many, I covet all sorts of candles - Scented, unscented, Soy & Beeswax Candles & Firefly Oil Candles.

If you’re not familiar with Firefly oil candles, there are 3 reasons why I love them so much.

1) I use Firefly’s non-toxic lamp oil called Safe & Green. With all the grandkids, their friends, and pets, I like to keep a safe and green home.

2) Firefly Safe & Green Lamp Oil does not produce any soot so the glass stays clean and it burns without odor or pollutants.

3) I never need to replace the candle, the height is always the same, and it won’t melt all over my candle holder.

AND Firefly Oil candles are elegant yet sturdy enough for everyday use. I can attest to that!

Well, I guess that’s more than 3 reasons why I love Firefly oil candles.

Oh, one more thing. They are very easy to refill with our super cool refill bottle and I didn’t even get my hands dirty.

Crate & Barrel® Candle Holders married with Firefly refillable glass oil candles are the perfect no-mess solution.